Partonomy list P3F, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress


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Top level nervous system
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Current level hypothalamus Short
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
62008 5779 5779
28862 8613
morphologia externa hypothalami
74877 44681 5780
mammillary body (pair)
corpus mammillare (par)
74628 3540 3540
neurohypophysis ; posterior lobe
neurohypophysis ; lobus posterior
74635 3541 3541
74636 3542 3542
nervous part ; nervous lobe
pars nervosa ; lobus nervosus
62045 5781 5781
optic chiasm
chiasma opticum
62046 5782 5782
optic tract
tractus opticus
62327 5786 5786
tuber cinereum
tuber cinereum
29079 8612
internal morphology of hypothalamus
morphologia interna hypothalami
83915 9035 9035
substantia grisea hypothalami
62027 27700 5911
anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
area hypothalamica anterior (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
62319 25575 5912
anterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus anterior hypothalami (par)
25609 5913
anterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
nucleus periventricularis anterior (par)
62320 25611 5918
paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (pair)
nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami (par)
67883 25654 5920
suprachiasmatic nucleus (pair)
nucleus suprachiasmaticus (par)
62317 27549 5921
supraoptic nucleus (pair)
nucleus supraopticus (par)
76770 27550 5922
dorsolateral part (pair)
pars dorsolateralis (par)
76771 31603 5923
dorsomedial part (pair)
pars dorsomedialis (par)
76772 31605 5924
ventromedial part (pair)
pars ventromedialis (par)
27695 7487
anterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars anterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
27385 6305
dopaminergic cells of anterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A14 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae areae hypothalamicae anterioris (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A14 (par)
62028 27390 5929
intermediate hypothalamic area (pair); chiasmatic hypothalamic area (pair)
area hypothalamica intermedia (par) ; area hypothalamica chiasmatica (par)
62331 27396 5931
dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami (par)
62329 45156 5932
arcuate nucleus (pair) ; infundibular nucleus (pair)
nucleus arcuatus (par) ; nucleus infundibularis (par)
27388 6303
dopaminergic cells of arcuate nucleus (pair) ; dopaminergic cells A12 (pair)
cellulae dopaminergicae nuclei arcuati (par) ; cellulae dopaminergicae A12 (par)
62349 27393 5934
posterior periventricular nucleus (pair)
nucleus periventricularis posterior (par)
62330 27401 5935
retrochiasmatic area (pair)
area retrochiasmatica (par)
27429 5936
lateral tuberal nuclei (pair)
nuclei tuberales laterales (par)
62332 27431 5937
ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami (par)
77688 27435 5940
perifornical nucleus (pair)
nucleus perifornicalis (par)
25865 7524
tuberal part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars tuberalis areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
62029 27438 5942
posterior hypothalamic area (pair) ; hypothalamic area of mammillary body (pair)
area hypothalamica posterior (par) ; area hypothalamica corporis mammillaris (par) ; ERR1
27569 8602
posterior part of lateral hypothalamic area (pair)
pars posterior areae hypothalamicae lateralis (par)
77006 27824 5943
dorsal premammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus premammillaris dorsalis (par)
77007 27885 5947
ventral premammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus premammillaris ventralis (par)
62335 27921 5941
tuberomammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus tuberomammillaris (par)
62341 30713 5944
lateral mammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus mammillaris lateralis (par)
62342 30724 5945
medial mammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus mammillaris medialis (par)
62347 31614 5946
supramammillary nucleus (pair)
nucleus supramammillaris (par)
62350 31695 5948
posterior hypothalamic nucleus (pair)
nucleus posterior hypothalami (par)
31769 5950
hypothalamic zones (pair)
zonae hypothalamicae (par)
77682 31706 5951
periventricular zone (pair)
zona periventricularis (par)
77683 31722 5952
medial zone (pair)
zona medialis (par)
77684 31734 5953
lateral zone (pair)
zona lateralis (par)
83933 5954 5954
substantia alba hypothalami
27930 8615
intrinsic tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus intrinsici hypothalami (par)
5966 5966
periventricular fibres of hypothalamus
fibrae periventriculares hypothalami
27934 8617
commissural tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus commissurales hypothalami (par)
27937 7591
supraoptic commissures
commissurae supraopticae
62051 5956 5956
dorsal supraoptic commissure
commissura supraoptica dorsalis
62052 5968 5968
ventral supraoptic commissure
commissura supraoptica ventralis
27948 8618
long tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus longi hypothalami (par)
27951 7593
afferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus afferentes hypothalami (par)
8751 8751
descending posterior longitudinal fasciculus ; descending dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
fasciculus longitudinalis posterior descendens ; fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis descendens
61974 6111 6111
stria terminalis
stria terminalis
8544 8544
ventral amygdalofugal bundle
fasciculus amygdalofugiens ventralis
61965 6091 6091
62061 8040 8040
mammillary peduncle
pedunculus mammillaris
77010 5969 5969
retinohypothalamic tract
tractus retinohypothalamicus
5330 5330
spinohypothalamic fibres
fibrae spinohypothalamicae
27955 8621
efferent tracts of hypothalamus (pair)
tractus efferentes hypothalami (par)
7939 7939
principal mammillary fasciculus
fasciculus mammillaris principalis
8654 8654
mammillothalamic fasciculus ; mamillothalamic tract ▲
fasciculus mammillothalamicus
8655 8655
mammillotegmental fasciculus
fasciculus mammillotegmentalis
7950 7950
descending medial fasciculus of prosencephalon ; descending medial forebrain bundle
fasciculus prosencephali medialis descendens
7963 7963
hypothalamocortical fibres
fibrae hypothalamocorticales
77008 33952 5959
hypothalamohypophysial tracts
tractus hypothalamohypophysiales
77009 8656 8656
paraventriculohypophysial tract
tractus paraventriculohypophysialis
8657 8657
supraopticohypophysial tract
tractus supraopticohypophysialis
77482 8415 8415
hypothalamospinal tract
tractus hypothalamospinalis
71 lines
92.1 %
95.5 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Subdivision of the Hypothalamic nuclei is rearranged into three Hypothalamic areas: Anterior (Chiasmatic), Middle (Tuberal) and Posterior (Mamillary). The Dorsal hypothalamic area forms part of the Lateral hypothalamic area. The LHA is incorporated into the three Hypothalamic areas.
Type of list P3F
List Unit Identifier 5779
Sublist 1 5954 substantia alba hypothalami 35/26 on 15.4.2018
Sublist 2 8613 morphologia externa hypothalami 9/8 on 25.3.2019
Sublist 3 9035 substantia grisea hypothalami 102/35 on 11.3.2019
Subtotals subchildren 146 subunits 69
Proper children 4
Number of children 150 (validated)
Proper units 2
Number of units 71 (validated)
Signature 6171 (validated since 26.3.2019)
Date: 31.12.2021